When a new normal is defined and the world settles–and it will–what will you look back on as your greatest accomplishment? What have you pursued, created, learned, implemented or observed? Is this "It" for you?
What does "It" mean?
Who are you? What do you stand for? Are you and/or your company a reflection of this? Do you have a passion? What motivates and shapes you?
These questions describe your "why," or your purpose and drive–why do you do what you do? There is no better time to discover the answer to that question than now. Put people first, and pay it forward.
As the country works its way back from this pandemic, and technology and innovations evolve, how are you making a difference?
Dare to be brave. Dare to be courageous. Dare to be authentic. Dare to be transparent. Dare to be innovative. Dare to create. Dare to explore. Dare to learn. Dare to inspire. Dare to teach. Dare to think differently.
Dare to be you.
–Monique Jozwiakowski